November is Thankful Month!

Learn Sign Language

Day 1: It’s already November folks! We’re going to try our best to start something new! November is the month for thinking about THANKS. We’re going to be providing you videos and/or pictures of signs in American Sign Language for things, people, events, etc - of all things we are grateful for. You’ll get to meet our family members, our colleagues and ourselves as we teach you a sign or concept a day of all the things we are thankful for! We’d love your feedback, one: of things you are grateful for, or two: things you’d like us to sign this month or three: something we could be thankful for!
Let's learn sign language for thankful month!

I have so many things to be thankful for so I could fill up the whole month myself BUT i promise to not hog the stage. We’ll be meeting our team and families and seeing all different signers signing things we are thankful for. 

We’re excited to bring this to you and hope you stick out the month with us as gear up for our pop-up Thanksgiving Signing event November 21st as well as our Holiday pop-up signing events the first two weekends in December. So give THANKS and let’s go on this signing ride together!


Head on over to our other Thankful signing posts if you missed them!

Day 1: Thankful Day 2: Work
Day 3: Vote Day 4: Sports
Day 5: Best Friends Day 6: Cookie
Day 7: Family Day 8: Sleep
Day 9: Ocean Day 10: Nurse/Doctor
Day 11: School Day 12: Walk/Bike Ride
Day 13: Farm Day 14: Husband
Day 15: Horse Day 16: Bed

What signs would you like to see next? What are you thankful for?




Tuesday Tip: Just use it! 3 Tips in Using AAC @ Home